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Registered owner Mrc Semiramis Shipping Corporation Limited
171, Old Bakery Street Valletta VLT 1432 Malta Company IMO#: 6076031 Phone: +90 216 336 3252 Fax: +90 216 449 9595 E-mail:
Technical operator M.R.C. Denizcilik Turizm ve Petrol Urunleri Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Çengelköy Mahallesi Kuleli Caddesi No: 24, 34680 Üsküdar - İstanbul / Türkiye Company IMO#: 5142252 Phone: +90 216 336 3252 Fax: +90 216 449 9595 E-mail:
Commercial operator M.R.C. Denizcilik Turizm ve Petrol Urunleri Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Çengelköy Mahallesi Kuleli Caddesi No: 24, 34680 Üsküdar - İstanbul / Türkiye Company IMO#: 5142252 Phone: +90 216 336 3252 Fax: +90 216 449 9595 E-mail:

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Vessel’s name: MRC SEMIRAMIS
IMO number: 9418793
Vessel’s previous name(s) and date(s) of change: Not Applicable
Date delivered Feb 08, 2008
Builder (where built): AYKIN Shipyard
Flag: Malta
Port of Registry: Valletta
Call sign: 9HIN9
Type of vessel: Chemical
Type of hull: Double Hull
Classification society: Bureau Veritas
IMO type, if applicable: 2
Length Over All (LOA): 107.34 Meters
Extreme breadth (Beam): 15.80 Meters
Moulded depth: 8.25 Meters
Net Tonnage: 1,887
Gross Tonnage / Reduced Gross Tonnage (if applicable): 3,999 / 3,312
Freeboard: 1.681 Meters
Draft: 6.58 Meters
Deadweight: 6,137.951 Metric Tonnes
Displacement: 8,439.47 Metric Tonnes
Total cubic capacity (98%, excluding slop tanks): 6,547.562 Cu. Meters
Slop tank(s) capacity (98%): 136.72 Cu. Meters
Does vessel have Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBT) or Clean Ballast Tanks (CBT): SBT
How many grades/products can vessel load/discharge with double valve segregation: 13
Maximum loading rate for homogenous cargo per manifold connection: 375 Cu. Meters/Hour
Maximum loading rate for homogenous cargo loaded simultaneously through all manifolds: 1,500 Cu. Meters/Hour
Is vessel fitted with a stern manifold: Yes
Cargo tanks (Coated) : Yes
Ballast tanks (Coated) : Yes
Slop tanks (Coated) : Yes
Cargo tanks (TYPE) : Marineline
Ballast tanks (TYPE) : EPOXY
Slop tanks (TYPE) : Marineline
Cargo tanks (To What Extent) : Whole Tank
Ballast tanks (To What Extent) : Whole Tank
Slop tanks (To What Extent) : Whole Tank
Is IGS supplied by flue gas, inert gas (IG) generator and/or nitrogen: Nitrogen Generator
Derrick / Crane description (Number, SWL and location): Cranes: 2 x 5 Tonnes, Center / Aft Starboard poop deck
Main Engine Type MAK 6 M 32 C
Main Engine KW 2999 Kw
What type of fuel is used for main propulsion? Fuel oil
What type of fuel is used in the generating plant? MGO
Is vessel fitted with fixed or controllable pitch propeller(s)? Controllable Pitch
P & I Club - Full Style: West Of England
P & I Club coverage - pollution liability coverage: 1000000000 US$